Thursday, January 14, 2016

Unit 1: Scarcity, Factors of Production & PPGs

Chapter 1-2: Scarcity, Factors of Production & Production Possibilities Graphs

What is Macroeconomics?

   - the study of economy as a whole 
   - the BIG picture
   - "Can't see the forest because of trees"

Ex: Supply & Demand
      International Trade
      Minimum Wage

What is Microeconomics

  - study of individual or specific unit of the      economy

Ex: Market Structure
       Business Organization

What is Positive Economics

- it attempts to describe the world as is.
- very descriptive, collects and presents facts
- "What is" = facts

What is Normative Economics?

- it attempts to prescribe how the world should be
- very perspective
- "ought to be", "should be" = opinion based

What are Needs

- basic requirements for survival

ex: Food, Water, Shelter, Clothes

What are Wants

- Desire of citizens

What are Goods

- A tangible commodities (touch/feel)
-can be bought, sold, produce

ex: Capital Goods - items used in a creation of other goods. 
        ( trucks, factory, machine)
      Consumer Goods - goods that are introduced for final use of the consumer.

What are Services

- work that is performed for someone

ex: haircut, concert, going to school

What is Scarcity?

- the most fundamental economics problem facing all society
- how to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources
- involves a choice

What are Shortage?

- where we have quantity demanded is greater than quality service

What are the Factors of Production?

  1. Land - natural resources
  2. Labor - work force, how much work is exerted
  3. Capital - physical capital tools, buildings, machines, trucks
  4. Entrepreneurship - innovative and risk taker  (owning your own business)
Capital.Entrepreneurship.Land.Labor !!!!

What causes the PPC/PPF to shift?

  1. Technological change
  2. Δ in resources
  3. Δ in labor force
  4. Economic growth
  5. Natural disaster/war
  6. More education on training

What is Trade-off?

-alternative that we give up whenever we choose one course of action over another

What is Opportunity Cost?

-the next big alternative

ex: travel, flight attendance

Production Possibilities Curve (PPC)

Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF)

Production Possibilities Graph (PPG)

-to show alternative ways to use an economic resources

Inside the Curve: Underutilization
   (A)                       Inefficient
On the Curve:      Attainable
      (B,D,C)            Efficient
Outside the curve:Unattainable
       (x)                    Efficient

What are the Four Consumptions of PPG? 

  1. 2 resources (goods)
  2. Fixed resources (factors of production)
  3. Fixed technology
  4. Full employment of resources

What is Efficiency? 

- using the resources in such a way to maximize the production of goods and services

What is Allocative Efficiency?

- products being produced and the ones most by society

What is Productive Efficiency?

-products are being produced in the least costly way (any point on the PPC)

What is Underutilization?

- using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using


  1. Great job Charlotte!!

    Ms. McCartney

  2. Hey thanks for the visual representation and the details. Also that acronym for the factors of production will really help on the test. One tip is that to remember shortage and scarcity is that scarcity is based on natural occurring limitations.
