Thursday, March 3, 2016

Unit 3: Investment Demand; Real v. Nominal

Investment Demand:

What is an Investment Demand?

• The lower loans demanded the higher the interest rate
• The higher loans demanded the lower the interest rate
• In the U.S. interest rates are a cost of borrowing money
Reasons to barrow:
  - business 
  - mortgage
  - education

What is Investment?

Money spend or expenditures on:
  • New plants (factories)
  • capital equipment
  • technology (hardware and software)
  •  new homes
  • inventories (goods sold by producers)

Expected Rates and Return

How does business make investment decision?
cost / benefit analysis

How does business determine benefits?
expected rate of return

How does business count the cost?
interest cost

How does business determine the amount of investment they under take?
• compare expected rate of return interest cost
  - if expected return > interest cost, then invest.
  - if expected return < interest cost, then do not invest.

Investment Demand Curve

What is the shape of the investment demand curve? 

Downward sloping

when interest rates are high, fewer investment are profitable; when interest rates are low, more investment are profitable. 

Shifts in Investment Demand:

1) Cost production
    • lower costs shifts ID -->
    • higher costs shifts ID <--
2) Business Taxes
    • lower business taxes shift ID -->
    • higher business taxes shift ID <--
3) Technological Change
    • New technological change shift ID -->
    • lack of technological change shift ID <--
4) Stock Capitals
    • If an economy is low on capital, then ID -->
    • if economy has much capital, then ID <--

Real v. Nominal

What is the difference?
- Nominal is the observable rate of interest
- real subtracts out inflation 

How do you compute real interest rate (r%) ? 
r% = i% - π%

What then, determine the cost of an investment decision? 
- the real interest rate (r%)

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